Caravanserai – vignettes from Yemen

Caravanserai – vignettes from Yemen

Tower of Peace Trying to organize my generally messy life, I was working my way through some old boxes and ...
Memories of the Matriarch

Memories of the Matriarch

When I look back on my earliest memories of childhood, I always see my all-white sari clad, completely unadorned, hair ...
India, Torn (II) : A witness to history in the making

India, Torn (II) : A witness to history in the making

Continued from part I ...... Dad had been hearing about partition for quite some time. Finally it came to be ...
India, Torn (I):   Haunting Memories

India, Torn (I): Haunting Memories

KARACHI                                        ...
My Nima-A portrait in White

My Nima-A portrait in White

 Whenever I think of my Grandma, the first thing that comes to mind is how beautiful she was -slim, without ...
Life in the Shires

Life in the Shires

Ever wondered what is lurking in the neighbouring county? More and more millennials are jumping on the bandwagon and abandoning London ...
Come to my Paradise

Come to my Paradise

I was born in a little hospital located at the tallest point in Anguilla overlooking a dazzling blue sea. I ...
The Ferry

The Ferry

 Whenever the brothers, Tim and Matthew got together, reminiscences from their childhood 50 to 60 years ago usually surfaced. The ...
Sinai, the Bedouin Way

Sinai, the Bedouin Way

It is unusual for Indians, especially two Indian women, to go backpacking to the Sinai. Most Indians who do visit ...
Life on the Nile

Life on the Nile

Egypt sits proudly on its 5000-year history, straddling the ancient and the modern with élan.  Eight years after the Arab Spring ...
The Birth of Nolan

The Birth of Nolan

It all started on a Monday night. After my pregnancy yoga class, I headed home very relaxed, ready for sleep ...
The Love Gene

The Love Gene

Scientific research has shown that people who are attracted to one another, experience a phenomenon in which a gene inside ...