Category: Travel

Category: Travel

Life on the Nile

Life on the Nile

Egypt sits proudly on its 5000-year history, straddling the ancient and the modern with élan.  Eight years after the Arab Spring ...
A Journey in Various Moods

A Journey in Various Moods

A day-long journey along the Black Sea from Russia to Georgia can be quite an experience for anybody. The journey ...
C’est La Vie! II

C’est La Vie! II

The is the second part of  the story about Joan's travel to Lyon After two or three days of complete ...
C’est La Vie! (This is Life)

C’est La Vie! (This is Life)

The idea of the Blog developed while talking to Joan Duncan and reading her detailed account of living in London ...
My Flights of Fancy- Travels to the Orient

My Flights of Fancy- Travels to the Orient

The second part of June Rodd's story on travels When things had settled down and I had bought a flat ...
The Journey

The Journey

The beginning was difficult-I was in a traffic jam going to the airport! Would I get to the check-in in ...
In Search of Spirituality

In Search of Spirituality

In October 1976 I and my ex-wife Chrissy went out to India to live the spiritual life. We had gone ...